
刘会洲 研究员
  • 学历/学位: 研究生学历/博士学位
  • 研究方向: 分离科学与工程研究
  • 邮箱: hzliu@home.ipe.ac.cn
  • 地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二街1号
  • 邮编: 100190
  • 课题组网站:


刘会洲,博士,研究员,国家杰出青年基金获得者,首批万人计划领军人才,中国科学院绿色过程与工程重点实验室主任。刘会洲研究员从事微观结构尺度深化萃取机理的应用基础研究,长期致力于化工分离过程的新工艺和新技术的研究。在相关领域高水平学术杂志上发表sci收录论文386篇,他引10520次,入选elsevier 2016-2020中国高被引学者;译著2本,合著专著10本,获授权中国发明专利80余项,申请及授权国际发明专利3项。国内外学术会议邀请报告50余次,获国家及省部级成果奖10余项。作为首席科学家2007年和2013年连续主持国家973项目两性金属/黑色金属紧缺矿产资源高效清洁综合利用的基础研究共伴生难处理两性金属资源高效清洁转化综合利用基础研究。任国际溶剂萃取会议isec国际委员会和ecotopia science国际学术委员会委员,separation and purification technology杂志的共同主编。作为共同主席,成功主办了国际3r会议、国际溶剂萃取isec 20052017会议、国际第三届wasteeng 2010会议和第六届国际湿法冶金会议ichm2014


1.q. y. meng, j. m. yu, l. r. yang*, y. q. li, m. xian, h. z. liu*. efficient recovery of bio-based 1,2,4-butanetriol by using boronic acid anionic reactive extraction, separation and purification technology, 2021, 255, 117728.
2.s. ni, h. n. qu, h. f. xing, z. h. xu, x. y. zhu, m. l. yuan, l. wang, j. m. yu, y. q. li, l. r. yang, h. z. liu, donor–acceptor couples of metal and metal oxides with enriched ni3 active sites for oxygen evolution, acs applied materials & interfaces, 2021, 13, 17501-17510.
3.s. ni, l. r. yang, h. n. qu, x. y. zhu, z. h. xu, m. l. yuan, h. f. xing, l. wang, j. m. yu, h. z. liu, tailoring the structure and energy level over transition-metal doped mos2 towards enhancing 4-nitrophenol reduction reaction, journal of environmental chemical engineering, 2021, 9, 105101. 
4.x. y. zhu, d. qiao, l. r. yang*, q. l. bi, h. f. xing, s. ni, m. l. yuan, h. z. liu*, l. h. wang, a. ma. novel magnetic carbon supported molybdenum disulfide catalyst and its application in residue upgrading, green energy & environment, doi: org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.06.025.
5.z. h. xu, m. rong, q. y. meng, h. y. yao, s. ni, l. wang, h. f. xing, h. n. qu, l. r. yang*, h. z. liu*. fabrication of hypercrosslinked hydroxyl-rich solid phase extractants for cesium separation from the salt lake brine. chemical engineering journal, 2020, 125991.
6.h. y. luo, k. jiang, x. f. liang, h. z. liu*, y. b. li*. small molecule-mediated self-assembly behaviors of pluronic block copolymers in aqueous solution: impact of hydrogen bonding on the morphological transition of pluronic micelles. soft matter. 2020, 16 (1), 142-151.
7.w. s. li, l. r. yang*, t. t. dong, h. f. xing, w. y. wang, y. q. yang, h. z. liu*. gas-assisted low-field magnetic separation for large scale continuous magnetic bio-separation process. aiche journal, 2019, 65(1): 175-183.
8.m. rong, l. r. yang*, l.wang, h. f. xing, j. m. yu, h. n. qu, h. z. liu*. fabrication of microporous aminal-linked polymers with tunable porosity toward highly efficient adsorption of co2, h2, organic vapor, and volatile iodine. industrial & engineering chemistry research, 2019, 58 (37), 17369-17379.
9.j. f. zhang, l. r. yang*, t. t. dong, f. pan, h. f. xing, h. z. liu*. kinetics-controlled separation intensification for cesium and rubidium isolation from salt lake brine. industrial & engineering chemistry research, 2018, 57, 4399–4406.
10.p. sun, k. huang*, h. z. liu, specific salt effect on the interaction between rare earth ions and trioctylphosphine oxide molecules at the organic–aqueous two-phase interface: experiments and molecular dynamics simulations. langmuir, 2018, 34, 38, 11374–11383.