
张伟刚 研究员
  • 学历/学位: 研究生学历/博士学位
  • 研究方向:


  • 邮箱: wgzhang@ipe.ac.cn
  • 地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二街1号
  • 邮编: 100190
  • 课题组网站:


张伟刚,男,1968年生,山东寿光人。1998年博士毕业于中国科学院金属研究所,1998年至2003 年在德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学开展博士后和助理研究员科研工作。现任中国科学院过程工程研究所研究员,兼任中国科学院大学材料学院本科部讲座教授、中国科学院赣江创新研究院高温中心常务副主任、中国科学院大学和中国科技大学博士生导师;培养硕士和博士研究生40余人,申请和授权发明专利30余件,发表科研论文120余篇,出版专著《化学气相沉积》(2007年,科学出版社)、《max phases & ultra-high temperature ceramics for extreme environments》等,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。



1.张伟刚. 《化学气相沉积》, 2007,科学出版社,北京.

2.h zhang, m ge, ht shui, sq yu, q ma, hf zhang, s ma, wj kong, zl ma, wg zhang. investigations on the thermal behaviours of sic-zrc continuous ceramic fibres. journal of the european ceramic society. 2021, 41(9), 4689.

3.zg wang, m ge, sq yu, xm sun, xl qi, h zhang, w xiao, wg zhang. microstructural evolution of polymer-derived hexagonal boron nitride fibres under high-temperature stretching. journal of advanced ceramics. 2023, 12(10), 1973.

4.h zhang, m ge, hf zhang, wj kong, sq yu, wg zhang. oxidation resistance and thermal stability of the sic-zrb2 composite ceramic fibers. journal of the american ceramic society. 2021, 104(4), 1633.

5.hz lv, m ge, h zhang, hf zhang, xm sun, sq yu, wg zhang.high temperature oxidation behavior and mechanism of sic-tab2 composites. journal of alloys and compounds. 2023, 931, 167500.

6.z wang, lz du, h lan, cb huang, wg zhang. preparation and characterization of ysz abradable sealing coating through mixed solution precursor plasma spraying. ceramics international. 2019, 45(9):11802.

7.yl tian, wg zhang, m ge, sq yu, xx lv, tt zhang. polymerization of methylsilylenes into polymethylsilanes or polycarbosilanes after dechlorination of dichloromethylsilanes? rsc advances.2016,25(6),21048.

8.xx lv, sq yu, m ge, yl tian, wg zhang. synthesis and microstructure of continuous composite ceramic fibres of zrc/zrb2–sic derived from polymeric precursors. ceramics international.2016, 42(7),9299.

9.yl tian, m ge, wg zhang, xx lv, sq yu. metallocene catalytic insertion polymerization of 1-silene to polycarbosilanes. scientific reports, 2015,5(1),16274.

10.cg xu, lz du, b yang, wg zhang. the effect of al content on the galvanic corrosion behaviour of coupled ni/graphite and ni–al coatings. corrosion science. 2011,53(5), 2066.
