
阮仁满 研究员
  • 学历/学位: 研究生学历/博士学位
  • 研究方向: 生物冶金、矿物加工
  • 邮箱: rmruan@ipe.ac.cn
  • 地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二街1号
  • 邮编: 100190
  • 课题组网站:


阮仁满,男,1962年生,1982年毕业于东北大学矿物加工专业,2011年获得中南大学理学博士学位。1982.9-2007.1在 北京有色金属研究总院,历任矿冶所副所长、生物冶金国家工程实验室副主任;2007.2-2008.1在中冶科工集团瑞木镍钴公司任项目控制部总经理;2008.1-2011.12在紫金矿业集团股份有限公司任集团公司副总工程师、紫金矿冶研究院院长与“低品位难处理黄金资源综合利用国家重点实验室”副主任。2012年1月,通过“杰出技术人才引进”计划进入过程所工作。 主持和参与国家“973”、“863”、“科技支撑”等课题9项;主持“生物冶金国家工程实验室”立项申报、建设方案编制与实施,主持“低品位难处理黄金资源综合利用国家重点实验室”立项申报、建设方案编制与实施;获国家科技进步二等奖1项,省部级科技进步与发明专利一等奖5项;发表论文100余篇,申请中国发明专利37项,授权28项,申请pct 专利2项,授权1项。 具有研究机构和矿山企业的工作经历,对矿山企业的技术需求和实施条件有独到理解,主要研究方向为“生物浸出相关基础研究与新技术开发”,“矿山酸性水源头治理基础研究与新技术开发”,“浮选表面化学与新技术新药剂开发”,“选冶工业流程诊断与优化”。将实验室基础研究与工业生产相结合,相关研究成果已有效服务于国内外矿山。


1.bingxu dong,yan jia,qiaoyi tan,heyun sun and renman ruan*. contributions of microbial “contact leaching” to pyrite oxidation under dierent controlled redox potentials[j]. minerals, 2020, 10(10), 856 
2.htet aung phyo ,yan jia, qiaoyi tan,shenggui zhao, xinxing liang,renman ruan,xiaopeng niu*. effect of particle size on chalcocite dissolution kinetics in column leaching under controlled eh and its implications[j]. physicochemical problems of mineral processing, 56(4), 2020, pages 676-692. 
3.aung kyaw phyo ,yan jia*, qiaoyi tan, heyun sun, yunfeng liu, bingxu dong and renman ruan. competitive growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria with bioleaching acidophiles for bioremediation of heap bioleaching residue[j]. international journal of environmental research and public health, 2020, 17, 2715.doi:10.3390/ijerph17082715 
4.xiaopeng niu, jianhua chen, yuqiong li, liuyin xia, li li, heyun sun and renman ruan*. correlation of surface oxidation with xanthate adsorption and pyrite flotation[j]. applied surface science, 495(2019),143411. 
5.yan jia, qiaoyi tan  , heyun sun , yupeng zhang, hongshan gao , renman ruan*. sulfide mineral dissolution microbes: community structure and function in industrial bioleaching heaps[j]. green energy & environment, volume 4, 2019, pages 29-37. 
6.xiaopeng niu,renman ruan*,liuyin xia,li li,heyun sun,yan jia,qiaoyi tan. correlation of surface adsorption and oxidation with a floatability difference of galena and pyrite in high-alkaline lime systems[j]. langmuir, volume,34, 2018, pages 2716-2724 
7.chang liu;yan jia,;heyun sun; qiaoyi tan;xiaopeng niu;xuekun leng; renman ruan*. limited role of sessile acidophiles in pyrite oxidation below redox potential of 650 mv[j]. scitific reports ,volume7, 2017,10 july 2017. 
8.renman ruan, gang zou, shuiping zhong , zengling wu , brenda chan , dianzuo wang, why zijinshan copper bioheapleaching plant works efficiently at low microbial activity – study on leaching kinetics of copper sulfides and its implications.minerals engineering, 2013,(48):36-43
9.ruan renman*, liu xingyu, zou gang, wen jiankang, chen jinghe,.wang dianzuo. industrial practice of a distinct bioleaching system operated at low ph, high ferric concentration, elevated temperature and low redox potential for secondary copper sulphide. hydrometallurgy, 2011, (108): 130-135 
10.ruan renman*, zhou e, liu xingyu, wu biao, zhou guiying, and wen jiankang. comparison on the leaching kinetics of chalcocite and pyrite with or without bacteria. rare metal,vol. 29, no. 6, dec 2010, p. 552-556