
赵君梅 研究员
  • 学历/学位: 研究生学历/博士学位
  • 研究方向: 钠离子电池材料及器件
  • 邮箱: jmzhao@ipe.ac.cn
  • 地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二街1号
  • 邮编: 100190
  • 课题组网站:


赵君梅,理学博士,中科院过程所研究员,博士生导师。2005年博士毕业于中科院长春应化所,2006年德国美因茨大学博士后,2007-2008年美国气相反应技术公司研发工程师,2009年加入中科院过程所工作至今,2014 - 2015年美国橡树岭国家实验室访问学者。针对钠离子电池正极材料设计、结构调控和界面强化开展研究,设计了系列钠离子电池正极低成本制备和放大工艺,开展相应的钠离子电池器件研发。主要业绩包括设计合成了系列钠离子电池聚阴离子正极材料,揭示了钠离子的传输动力学、反应相变和应变机理,通过结构调控和界面性质等手段强化了材料的电化学性能并研究了材料的放大制备工艺低成本合成兼顾材料微观结构的可控制备往往是功能材料产业化急需解决的关键问题。针对含氟聚阴离子材料高温固相法合成存在微观结构无法把控,v/f易挥发、naf腐蚀设备等问题,开发了系列室温规模化可控技术,获得公斤级样品,与企业完成了ah级钠离子商业原型电池单体,电池展现出长循环和良好的低温特性,其低温性能甚至优于磷酸铁锂电池研究推进了聚阴离子正极工业应用

主持及完成多项国家基金委、科技部项目课题、北京市基金委、中科院以及企业和地方科技厅项目等。累计发表包括nature comm., joule (cell出版社能源旗舰期刊),angew. chem. int. ed.等重点学术期刊sci论文60余篇,国内外引用3000余次。共计申请国家发明专利30余2021年度,研究团队在钠电聚阴离子材料方面的工作被能源学人评为全国最受关注的top20工作之一。


1.chunliu xu, yongzhi ma, junmei zhao*, peng zhang, zhao chen, chao yang, huizhou liu and yong-sheng hu*. surface engineering stabilizes  sodium manganese hexacyanoferrates for high-energy na-ion batteries. angew. chem. int. ed., 2023, https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202217761.

2.chunliu xu, ruijuan xiao, junmei zhao*, feixiang ding, yang yang, xiaohui rong, xiaodong guo*, chao yang, huizhou liu, benhe zhong, and yong-sheng hu*. mn-rich phosphate cathodes for na-ion batteries with superior rate performance, acs energy letters, 2022, 7, 97-107. (if: 23.991)

3.chunliu xu, junmei zhao*, yi-ao wang, weibo hua, qiang fu, xinmiao liang, xiaohui rong, qiangqiang zhang, xiaodong guo*, chao yang*, huizhou liu, benhe zhong, yong-sheng hu*. reversible activation of v4 /v5 redox couples in nasicon phosphate cathodes. advanced energy materials, adv. energy mater. 2022, 12, 2200966. (if: 29.698)

4.peng zhang, chunliu xu, junmei zhao*, yongzhi ma, xin hu, lingyun hao, xiaowei li, yang yang, shuyin xu*, huizhou liu and yong-sheng hu. rapid and solvent-free mechanochemical synthesis of na iron hexacyanoferrate for high-performance na-ion batteries. materials today energy, mater. today energy, 2022, , 101027

5.xin hu, chunliu xu, xiaowei li, peng zhang, xiaohui rong, chunli yang, zelang jian*, huizhou liu, yong-sheng hu, junmei zhao* preferential extraction of lithium from spent cathodes and the regeneration of layered oxides for li/na-ion batteries. acs applied materials & interfaces, acs appl. mater. interfaces 2022, 14, 21.

hunli he, junmei zhao *, xiaohui rong*, chunliu xu, qiangqiang zhang, xing shen, xingguo qi, yuqi li, xinyan li, yaoshen niu, xiaowei li, shuai han, lin gu, huizhou liu and yong-sheng hu. solvent-free mechanochemical synthesis of na-rich prussian white cathodes for high-performance na-ion batteries. chem. eng. j 2022,428,131083

7.qiangqiang zhang, xing shen, quan zhou, kaixuan li, feixiang ding, yaxiang lu*, junmei zhao*, liquan chen, yong-sheng hu*. large scale one-pot synthesis of monodispersed na3(vopo4)2f cathode for na-ion batteries. energy material advances.   dec 31, 2021

8.chunliu xu, junmei zhao*, enhui wang, xiaohong liu, xing shen, xiaohui rong, qiong zheng, guoxin ren, nian zhang, xiaosong liu, xiaodong guo*, chao yang, huizhou liu, benhe zhong and yong-sheng hu *. a novel nasicon -typed na4vmn0.5fe0.5(po4)3 cathode for high-performance na-ion batteries. adv. energy mater. 202111, 2100729 (if: 29.698)

9.xing shen, quan zhou, miao han, xingguo qi, bo li, qiangqiang zhang, junmei zhao*, chao yang, huizhou liu, yong-sheng hu*. rapid mechanochemical synthesis of polyanionic cathode with improved performance for na-ion batteries. nature communications, 2021, 12, 2848 (if: 17.694)

10.yuruo qi, zizhengtong, junmei zhao*, lu ma, tianpin wu, huizhou liu, chao yang, jun lu, yong-sheng hu. scalable room-temperature synthesis of multi-shelled na3(vopo4)2f microsphere cathodes, joule, 2018, 2, 2348 (if: 46.048)

11.yuruo qi, linqin mu, junmei zhao*, yong-sheng hu*, huizhou liu*, sheng dai, superior na-storage performance of low-temperature synthesized na3(vo1-xpo4)2f1 2x (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) nanoparticles for na-ion batteries, angew. chem. int. ed., 2015, 54 (34), 9911-9916. (if: 16.823)
