
曹宏斌 研究员
  • 学历/学位: 研究生学历/博士学位
  • 研究方向:


  • 邮箱: hbcao@ipe.ac.cn
  • 地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二街1号
  • 邮编: 100190
  • 课题组网站:


曹宏斌,男,1971年生,博士生导师。中国环境科学学会会士,战略金属资源绿色循环利用国家工程中心副主任,中国科学院化学化工科学数据中心主任,北京市过程污染控制工程技术研究中心主任。杰青(2014)、wr计划领军人才(2013)。针对工业过程,创新构建了高效分离为核心、生产端-末端多过程优化集成的高效减污降碳技术系统,在煤化工、有色、钢铁等行业120余座工程实现应用,取得显著的经济、环境和社会效益。相关研究成果在jacs、es&t、wr等期刊上发表sci论文近400篇;编写中英文专著20部;获授权发明专利161件;软著9项。 兼任《工业水处理》编委会副主任委员,《journal of environmental sciences》、《green chemical engineering》、《中国环境科学》、《中国科学数据》等期刊编委。以第一完成人获国家技术发明二等奖1项(2013)、国家科技进步二等奖1项(2018);协会特等奖1项(2020)、省/部/学会/协会一等奖4项。 获光华工程科技奖-青年奖(2016)、何梁何利科学与技术创新奖(2023)和全国创新争先奖(2023)。


1. 工业生产全过程减污降碳:方法策略与科学基础. 中国科学院院刊, 2023, 38(2): 342-350

2. 工业污染全过程控制与应用. 北京,科学技术文献出版社2022.

3. advanced ozonation processes for water and wastewater treatment: active catalysts and combined technologies. royal society of chemistry, 2022.

4. tuning structural and electronic properties of recycled vanadium oxides via doping trace impurity for sustainable energy storage. chemical engineering journal, 2022, 438: 135495

5. manipulating selectivity of hydroxyl radical generation by single- atom catalysts in catalytic ozonation: surface or solution. environmental science & technology, 2022, 56(24): 17753-17762

6. different roles of fe atoms and nanoparticles on g-c3n4 in regulating the reductive activation of ozone under visible light. applied catalysis b: environmental, 2021, 296: 120362

7. bipolar membrane electrodialysis for ammonia recovery from synthetic urine: experiments, modeling, and performance analysis. environmental science & technology, 2021, 55(21): 14886-14896.

8. whole-process pollution control for cost-effective and cleaner chemical production-a case study of the tungsten industry in china. engineering, 2019, 5(4): 768-776.

9. single-atom mn-n-4 site-catalyzed peroxone reaction for the efficient production of hydroxyl radicals in an acidic solution. journal of the american chemical society, 2019, 141: 12005-12010. 

10. multi-scale water network optimization considering simultaneous intra-and inter-plant integration in steel industry. journal of cleaner production, 2018, 176: 663-675.
