
葛蔚 研究员
  • 学历/学位: 研究生学历/博士学位
  • 研究方向: 气固、颗粒与散料、多孔介质及纳微多相系统
  • 邮箱: wge@ipe.ac.cn
  • 地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二街1号
  • 邮编: 100190
  • 课题组网站:


葛蔚,男,1970年生,浙江萧山人。1992和1998年先后在哈尔滨工业大学热能工程专业获工学学士和博士学位。现任中国科学院过程工程研究所特聘核心骨干研究员;中国科学院大学岗位教授、博导,天津大学、哈尔滨工业大学外聘博导;中国化工学会模拟与仿真专业委员会主任委员,中国颗粒学会常务理事;中国科学院化学化工科学数据中心、中国石化三采用表面活性剂重点实验室、国家超级计算深圳中心学术委员会委员;《过程工程学报》副主编,chemical engineering science、journal of advanced manufacturing and processing、《化学反应工程与工艺》编委,particuology顾问。入选国家百千万人才工程,曾获国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金,周光召基金会首届“杰出青年基础科学奖”、中国化工学会“侯德榜化工科技创新奖”、中国颗粒学会“宝洁青年颗粒学奖”。针对流动、传递、反应耦合过程的介尺度机理与多尺度建模,提出了拟颗粒模拟,完善了气固和气液等系统的介尺度模型,主持研制了mole系列多尺度超级计算软硬件系统,发展了虚拟过程方法。相关研究成果已服务于多家世界500强企业的研发过程。已发表期刊论文210余篇,主持译著2本、编著4本及20余章节。多次在chisa, iscre, partec, imece等重要国际会议上作plenary或keynote报告。


1. chengxiang li, ji xu, tianhao qiu, zikang sun, haolei zhang, wei ge*. 2023. trans-level multi-scale simulation of porous catalytic systems: bridging reaction kinetics and reactor performance. chemical engineering journal. 455:140745.

2. yong zhang, qi chang, wei ge*. 2021. coupling dpm with dns for dynamic interphase force evaluation. chemical engineering science. 231:116238.

3. wei ge*, li guo, xinhua liu, fanyong meng, ji xu, wen lai huang, jinghai li*. 2019. mesoscience-based virtual process engineering: a future for process systems engineering? computers & chemical engineering. 126:68-82.

4. yanping li, mingcan zhao, chengxiang li*, and wei ge*. 2019. concentration fluctuation due to reaction-diffusion coupling near an isolated active site on catalyst surfaces. chemical engineering journal. 373:744-754.

5. wei ge*, qi chang, chengxiang li, and junwu wang*. 2019. multiscale structures in particle-fluid systems: characterization, modeling and simulation. chemical engineering science. 198:198-223.

6. yanping li, chenglong zhang, chengxiang li*, zhicheng liu, wei ge*. 2017. simulation of the effect of coke deposition on the diffusion of methane in zeolite zsm-5. chemical engineering journal. 320:458-467.

7. yanping li, chengxiang li*, wei ge*. 2017. simulation study on the reaction-diffusion coupling in simple pore structures.langmuir. 33:11804-11816.

8. xiaowen liu, limin wang*, wei ge*. 2017. meso-scale statistical properties of gas–solid flow—a direct numerical simulation (dns) study. aiche journal. 63(1):3-14.

9. liqiang lu, ji xu, wei ge*, guoxian gao, yong jiang, mingcan zhao, xinhua liu, jinghai li. 2016. computer virtual experiment on fluidized beds using a coarse-grained discrete particle method—emms-dpm. chemical engineering science. 155:314-337.

10. liqiang lu, ji xu, wei ge*, yunpeng yue, xinghua liu, jinghai li. 2014. emms-based discrete particle method (emms–dpm) for simulation of gas-solid flows. chemical engineering science. 120:67-87.
