
赵赫 研究员
  • 学历/学位: 研究生学历/博士学位
  • 研究方向: 工业减污降碳
  • 邮箱: hzhao@ipe.ac.cn
  • 地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二街1号
  • 邮编: 100190
  • 课题组网站:



主要研究方向为工业减污降碳,重点开展工业污染转化与分离耦合、跨介质协同防控、减污降碳评估等方面的研究工作。在environ sci & tech, water res等重要刊物发表论文70余篇,以第一发明人获授权发明专利18项(美国专利1项);获国家技术发明二等奖1项、国家一级学会科技奖4项、全国优博提名、中科院优博;入选中科院青促会会员及优秀会员、中国环境学会青年科学家奖、中国颗粒学会青年颗粒学奖、中国留学人员回国创业启动支持计划等兼任北京市过程污染控制环境工程研究中心副主任、中国环保产业协会冶金环保专委会副秘书长、front. environ. sci. eng.chinese chem. lett.期刊青年编委巴塞尔公约亚太区域中心化学品和废物环境管理智库专家、生态环境部化学物质环境风险评估专委会、中国工业节能与清洁生产协会专委会、中国化工学会工业水处理专委会、中国颗粒学会微纳气泡专委会等专家委员。


1.chen zhong, he zhao*, qingzhen han, hongbin cao, feng duan, junyi shen, yongbing xie, wanqian guo, shanshan sun. coupling-oxidation process promoted ring-opening degradation of 2-mecapto-5-methyl-1,3,4-thiadizaole in wastewater. water res. 2020, 186: 116362

2.penghui du, he zhao*, hongbin cao, ching-hua huang, wen liu, yao li. transformation of halobenzoquinones with the presence of amino acids in water: products, pathways and toxicity. water res. 2017, 122 : 299-307

3.penghui du, he zhao*,chenming liu, qingguo huang, hongbin cao. transformation and products of captopril with humic constituents during laccase-catalyzed oxidation: role of reactive intermediates. water res. 2016, 106: 488-495.

4.jingyi lin1, qin dai1, he zhao*, hongbin cao, tianyu wang, guangwei wang, chuncheng chen*. photoinduced release of volatile organic compounds from fatty alcohols at the air–water interface: the role of singlet oxygen photosensitized by a carbonyl group. environ. sci. & technol. 2021, 55, 13: 8683-8690. (supplementary cover)

5.he zhao, huijuan liu chengzhi hu, jiuhui qu*. effect of aluminum speciation and structure characterization on preferential removal of disinfection byproduct precursors by aluminum hydroxide coagulation. environ. sci. & technol. 2009, 43(13):5067-5072

6.he zhao, chengzhi hu, huijuan liu, xu zhao and jiuhui qu*. role of aluminum speciation in the removal of disinfection byproduct precursors by a coagulation process. environ. sci. & technol. 2008, 42(15): 5752-5758

7.qin dai1, jingyi lin1, hongbin cao, he zhao*, guangfei yu, chaoqun li, tianyu wang, yanchun shi, guangwei wang*, jinlong gong*. gas-water interface engineered exceptional photoconversion of fatty acids to olefins. green chem. 2020, 22, 7848-7857

8.chen zhong, he zhao*, hongbin cao, ching-hua huang. fast coupling and detoxification of aqueous halobenzoquinones by extracellular nucleophiles: the relationship among structures, pathways and toxicity. chem. eng. j. 2022, 438, 135525. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2022.135525

9.chen zhong, he zhao*, hongbin cao, jun fu, yongbing xie, zhi sun. acidity induced fast transformation of acetaminophen by different mno2: kinetics and pathways. chem. eng. j. 2019, 359: 518-529.

10.zhiqin cao, xiaohong zheng, hongbin cao, he zhao*, zhi sun*, zhuang guo, kai wang, bin zhou. efficient reuse of anode scrap from lithium-ion batteries as cathode for pollutant degradation in electro-fenton process: role of different recovery processes. chem. eng. j. 2018, 337: 256-264
