
徐文青 研究员
  • 学历/学位: 研究生学历/博士学位
  • 研究方向: 工业烟气减污协同降碳
  • 邮箱: wqxu@ipe.ac.cn
  • 地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二街1号
  • 邮编: 100190
  • 课题组网站:


徐文青,中科院过程工程研究所研究员,博导,国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金获得者,国家重点研发计划项目首席科学家,现任北京市过程污染控制工程中心副主任, 中国可持续发展研究会碳中和专委会委员。2004年本科毕业于北京科技大学,2009年博士毕业于中科院生态环境研究中心,2017年入选中科院青促会,2018年入选北京市科技新星。

主要从事钢铁行业污染控制、碳减排、低碳冶金等方向的研究。创新构建了烟气污染物全过程节能减排及资源化多功能耦合技术体系,多项成果达到国际领先水平,累计推广应用20余套,入选国家《绿色技术推广目录》、《先进污染防治技术目录》等。主持及完成多项国家自然科学基金、中科院战略先导专项课题、企业产业化项目等。相关研究成果在adv. mater.、appl. catal. b、environ. sci. technol.等国际知名期刊发表学术论文70余篇,授权国际国内发明专利40,主持编写团体标准2项。曾获国家自然科学二等奖环境保护科学技术一等奖、有色技术工业技术发明一等奖等省部级奖励。


1.liu s.§; xue w.§; ji y. *; xu w.*; chen w.; jia l.; zhu t.; zhong z.; xu g.; mei d. *; su f.*, interfacial oxygen vacancies at co3o4-ceo2 heterointerfaces boost the catalytic reduction of no by co in the presence of o2. applied catalysis b: environmental. 2023, 323, 122151

2.ji y.§,*; liu s.§; song s.§; xu w.*; li l.; zhang y.; chen w.; li h.; jiang j.*; zhu t.; li z.*; zhong z.; wang d.; xu g.; su f.*, negatively charged single-atom pt catalyst shows superior so2 tolerance in nox reduction by co. acs catalysis. 2023, 13, 224-236

3.yang y.; xu w.*; wang y.; shen j.; wang y.; wang q.; zhu t.*, progress of ccus technology in the iron and steel industry and the suggestion of the integrated application schemes for china. chemical engineering journal. 2022, 450, 138438.

4.ji y.§,*; liu s.§; zhu h.§; xu w.*; jiang r.; zhang y.; yu j.; chen w.; jia l.; jiang j.*; zhu t.; zhong z.; wang d.; xu g.; su f.*, isolating contiguous ir atoms and forming ir-w intermetallics with negatively charged ir for efficient no reduction by co. advanced materials. 2022, 34, 2205703

5.wang y.; xu w.*; li c.; yang y.; geng z.; zhu, t., effects of iro2 nanoparticle sizes on ir/al2o3 catalysts for the selective catalytic oxidation of ammonia. chemical engineering journal. 2022, 437, 135398.

6.zhang t.; wang w.; gu f.*; xu w.*; zhang j.; li z.*; zhu t.; xu g.; zhong z.; su f.*, enhancing the low-temperature co2 methanation over ni/la-ceo2 catalyst: the effects of surface oxygen vacancy and basic site on the catalytic performance. applied catalysis b: environmental. 2022, 312, 121385.

7.wang y.; xu w.*; chen x.; li c.; xie j.; yang y.; zhu t.; zhang c.*, single–atom ir1 supported on rutile tio2 for excellent selective catalytic oxidation of ammonia. journal of hazardous material. 2022, 432, 128670.

8.yang, y.; huang, r.; xu, w.*; zhang, j.; li, c.; song, j.; zhu, t., different crystal forms of zns nanomaterials for the adsorption of elemental mercury. environmental science & technology. 2021, 55, 6965.

9.li, x.; wang, j.*; guo, y.; zhu, t.; xu, w.*, adsorption and desorption characteristics of hydrophobic hierarchical zeolites for the removal of volatile organic compounds. chemical engineering journal. 2021, 411, 128558.

10.wang, y.; xu, w.*; yang, y.; li, c.; wang, j.; zhu, t., enhancement of no2 adsorption performance during adsorption-regeneration cycles over pt/ba/al2o3 catalyst. fuel. 2020, 279.
